

At ACB Group, we believe in the importance of offering global mobility solutions in line with the way we all consume mobility today, with a special focus on soft mobility.

Through the AC Brussels business, we want to be the reference in the Brussels Region for all products and services for drivers who opt for the safety of Volvo vehicles, both new and used cars (Volvo Selekt). Is that all? No, we also believe that the bicycle should be a mobility solution whether or not it is associated with the car.

ACBikes is therefore aimed at both cycling enthusiasts and amateurs. Finally, we believe that through the work of our carrosserie , the vehicles of all brands should be properly maintained and repaired, thus extending their life and promoting safe driving at all times. ACB Group offers these solutions thanks to its competent and committed employees, in order to achieve maximum customer satisfaction! ACB Group is present at five locations (Zaventem, Vilvoorde, Delta, Overijse and Wavre) and has managed to maintain a human scale around the FRESH values (Flexible – Respect – Excellence – Solution oriented – Human). Its employees are given the opportunity to develop according to their interests and skills. At ACB Group, taking the initiative to achieve objectives is an value. Are you passionate about global mobility solutions ? Are the automotive and sales professions part of

your professional ambitions and experience ? Is customer orientation and quality part of your DNA ? Do you want to be part of a group that moves ? If you answered yes to at least one of these four questions, send us your application to

Chers clients,

Nous vous informons que les différentes garages de la société ACB Group Volvo seront fermés pour les vacances annuelles aux dates suivantes:

• Auderghem/Delta : du samedi 27 juillet au dimanche 11 août 2024.
• Wavre : du samedi 3 août au dimanche 18 août 2024.
• Vilvoorde : du lundi 12 août au dimanche 25 août 2024.
• Carrosserie : du samedi 20/07/2024 au dimanche 18/08/2024

Nous vous invitons à planifier vos demandes en conséquence. Nous serons ravis de vous retrouver dès notre réouverture.

Merci pour votre compréhension et votre fidélité.

ACB Group Volvo

Beste klanten,

Graag informeren wij u over de zomersluitingen van onze ACB Group Volvo vestigingen op de volgende data:

- ACB Delta-Brussels: van zaterdag 27 juli tot en met zondag 11 augustus 2024.
- ACB Wavre: van zaterdag 3 augustus tot en met zondag 18 augustus 2024.
- ACB Vilvoorde: van maandag 12 augustus tot en met zondag 25 augustus 2024.
- ACB Carrosserie: van zaterdag 20 juli 2024 tot en met zondag 18 augustus 2024.

Vergeet niet om uw onderhoudsbeurt tijdig in te plannen, zodat u met een gerust hart van uw welverdiende vakantie kunt genieten, met uw auto in topconditie voor al uw zomerse avonturen.

Bedankt voor uw begrip en vertrouwen.

ACB Group Volvo

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you about the annual holidays of our ACB Group Volvo dealerships on the following dates:

- ACB Delta-Brussels: from Saturday, July 27 to Sunday, August 11, 2024.
- ACB Wavre: from Saturday, August 3 to Sunday, August 18, 2024.
- ACB Vilvoorde: from Monday, August 12 to Sunday, August 25, 2024.
- ACB Carrosserie: from Saturday, July 20, 2024 to Sunday, August 18, 2024.

Please remember to schedule your maintenance appointment in advance so that you can enjoy your well-deserved vacation worry-free, with your car in top condition for all your summer adventures.

Thank you for your understanding and trust.

ACB Group Volvo