Special conditions in January

The entire team at Volvo ACB wishes you a fantastic 2024!

Once again this year, from January 8th to 31st, we’re celebrating the automobile world across our 4 Volvo ACB dealerships. We’ll glad to welcome you continuously from 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM, including Sundays.

Alongside other models, you’ll find the new EX30 on display in our showroom.

You can even take it out for a test drive and experience its driving quality and the comfort that Volvo is known for.

Would you like to be contacted to schedule a test drive (with the model of your choice)?


Every model benefits from these, and they are valid till the end of the month. Our sales team will be happy to provide you with personalized details .

The electrified Volvo’s come with 5 year of free maintenance and, in Flanders, the EX30 receives a 5,000 Eur bonus*

*Conditions apply. Please contact us for more information.



Enjoy additional discounts up to 900 Euros, with special bonuses for PHEV models.


Special rate of 4.49% on financing.

Volvo Insurance

Get a 10% discount on Liability and Comprehensive coverage; 20% off for EX30 and EX90 models.

January is also the time for great deals on our used cars and demo vehicles!

We have a vast selection of cars in stock, available immediately. Choose your Volvo SELEKT on our dedicated website by clicking the link below.

Discover our dealerships


Chers clients,

Nous vous informons que les différentes garages de la société ACB Group Volvo seront fermés pour les vacances annuelles aux dates suivantes:

• Auderghem/Delta : du samedi 27 juillet au dimanche 11 août 2024.
• Wavre : du samedi 3 août au dimanche 18 août 2024.
• Vilvoorde : du lundi 12 août au dimanche 25 août 2024.
• Carrosserie : du samedi 20/07/2024 au dimanche 18/08/2024

Nous vous invitons à planifier vos demandes en conséquence. Nous serons ravis de vous retrouver dès notre réouverture.

Merci pour votre compréhension et votre fidélité.

ACB Group Volvo

Beste klanten,

Graag informeren wij u over de zomersluitingen van onze ACB Group Volvo vestigingen op de volgende data:

- ACB Delta-Brussels: van zaterdag 27 juli tot en met zondag 11 augustus 2024.
- ACB Wavre: van zaterdag 3 augustus tot en met zondag 18 augustus 2024.
- ACB Vilvoorde: van maandag 12 augustus tot en met zondag 25 augustus 2024.
- ACB Carrosserie: van zaterdag 20 juli 2024 tot en met zondag 18 augustus 2024.

Vergeet niet om uw onderhoudsbeurt tijdig in te plannen, zodat u met een gerust hart van uw welverdiende vakantie kunt genieten, met uw auto in topconditie voor al uw zomerse avonturen.

Bedankt voor uw begrip en vertrouwen.

ACB Group Volvo

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you about the annual holidays of our ACB Group Volvo dealerships on the following dates:

- ACB Delta-Brussels: from Saturday, July 27 to Sunday, August 11, 2024.
- ACB Wavre: from Saturday, August 3 to Sunday, August 18, 2024.
- ACB Vilvoorde: from Monday, August 12 to Sunday, August 25, 2024.
- ACB Carrosserie: from Saturday, July 20, 2024 to Sunday, August 18, 2024.

Please remember to schedule your maintenance appointment in advance so that you can enjoy your well-deserved vacation worry-free, with your car in top condition for all your summer adventures.

Thank you for your understanding and trust.

ACB Group Volvo